About the museum

The Chessmen Museum was opened on the first of May 2006. The museum includes the private collection of founder Ridder Dijkshoorn, plus a collection owned by Mister M.J. Glotzbach. Temporary exhibitions are held on a regular basis.
The permanent collection on display has expanded throughout the years. There is something for everyone: antique chess pieces and popular cartoon characters, as well as true folkloric and abstract works of art. An overview of the different chess games can be found in the Chessmens’ Gallery.
In the spotlight
Twice monthly the museum highlights a different chess set on the In the spotlight page. Historian Marjolein Overmeer talks about the history of these chess games or what they represent. An overview of these essays can be found on the All articles page. Do you have comments or want more information? Please let us know by email: schaakstukkenmuseum@hotmail.com.
Design competition
This year, like every year, we have once again received a lot of chess pieces for the Design competition. Both artists and amateurs have designed highly original chess sets that were shown for the first time during Rotterdam Museum Night 2013. These new designs will be on display until the end of December. Our visitors are the judges of the competition so drop by soon to put in your votes, and of course, to enjoy the rest of the versatile collection.